We provide a wide array of orthodontic treatments at Pascack Dental. As improvements in dentistry have led to fewer cavities and improved technology that makes restorations look as good as your normal teeth, people are putting more of an emphasis on the brilliance of their smiles.
Question: I am embarrassed about my smile because my teeth are not straight, but I feel like braces are just for kids, is that true? Mrs. K. – Upper Saddle River, NJ
Answer: A tremendous number of adults and even seniors are undergoing orthodontic and other procedures today to enjoy straighter teeth. You are not alone.
Orthodontics can move teeth into the right place regardless of your age. Treatment methods use gentle force to shift teeth slowly over time into the right position. While treatment might take a little longer for adults because of denser bone and tissue, it’s still safe, effective, and most certainly possible.
Question: Is Orthodontic treatment visible?
Answer: It’s astounding how far orthodontic treatment has come over the last few decades. Previously, you could clearly see that an adult was receiving orthodontic treatment. Today’s methods are incognito to the point where your friends and family might not even know you’re being treated until they see your stunning new smile.For example, your friends, family or coworkers may be undergoing orthodontic treatment without you even knowing it.
Question: Will people know I’m wearing Invisalign’s or braces?
Answer: With the help of Invisalign, invisible braces, and non-invasive cosmetic restorative treatments, people are improving their smiles without the rest of the world even being aware of it.
Our office manager speaks to patients every day while wearing Invisalign trays without any of them noticing unless she points it out or takes a tray out to show someone. It is really amazing! I was actually unaware of one of our staff member’s treatments by our orthodontist until the case was finished and I noticed how great her smile looked!
Question: Is Orthodontic treatment cosmetic?
Answer: Orthodontic treatment isn’t all cosmetic. It can also help relieve jaw tension and reduce the likelihood of cavities thanks to proper teeth alignment and spacing that make it easier for you to clean your teeth.
We enjoy treating adult patients for orthodontics because of how excited they are about the concept of straighter teeth and their eagerness to see their new smiles. While we enjoy treating children who we know will have a lifelong beautiful smile, the transformative impact for adults is just as enjoyable to watch.
Question: Is there an age limit?
Answer: So, there is no age limit for having nice straight teeth. You just have to speak to your dentist about your options and find out if your expectations will be met with tooth movement alone or a combination of aesthetic and tooth movement treatments. Aesthetic treatments can include treatments like veneers that help build up your teeth and cover discoloration or misshapen teeth. I can say that any adult patient we have seen who has undergone this type of treatment has never regretted it.
For questions about Orthodontics and other dental procedures ask your dentist or contact Dr. Guller at: askdrguller@aol.com or call 201-391-5565.
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