Bone Grafting
Bone Grafting
Bone loss can come from a variety of causes including periodontal disease, poor-fitting dentures or trauma to the face. Bone grafting can help replace lost bone and encourage your natural bone to grow back. The procedure helps treat a variety of issues in the mouth and helps restore your oral health after trauma.
Before you get an implant placed, your periodontist might recommend bone grafting. That's because, without a solid base of bone, the implant we can’t secure the implant to your jaw. A bone graft can help restore your smile after gum disease. Your periodontist might recommend one of three different types of bone grafts.
Autogenous: this type of bone graft is when your periodontist removes bone from another area of the body to place it in the mouth. Your dentist might recommend removing this bone from your pelvis, chin or your back molars depending on where your bone loss is and how large of a bone graft you need. If you need a larger amount of bone, your dentist will likely recommend taking it from your pelvis or shin bone.
Allograft: this is a synthetic bone that your dentist will work with a laboratory to create for you. Or, your dentist might get bone from a bone bank.
Xenograft: in this procedure, your dentist implants cow bone. Using bovine bone is safe and effective. Plus, it generally makes for an easier recovery for the patient as you won’t have to heal from the bone harvesting site as well.
Why You Might Need Bone Grafting
You might need a bone graft for a variety of reasons. Here’s a look at some of the oral health ailments that bone grafting can improve.
Dental implant: a dental implant restores a missing tooth. It provides full functionality for that area of your mouth. However, a dental implant is anchored to your jawbone, which means your jawbone must be strong and healthy. Bone grafting can help prepare the jawbone for the implant.
Sinus lift: your periodontist can elevate your sinuses by adding bone grafts to the sinus floor. This allows your dentist to place implants securely and with no disruption to your sinuses.
Ridge augmentation: Trauma, periodontal disease or birth defects can create ridges in your bone. A bone graft can smooth out those ridges to make your jawbone more uniform.
Nerve repositioning: patients who need to move the inferior alveolar before implants often also need bone grafting. The inferior alveolar is an important nerve that controls sensations in the chin and lower lip but can be in the way of implant procedures.
What’s the Process for Bone Grafting?
Bone grafting is a fairly simple procedure that you generally only need general anesthesia for. Patients that require larger bone grafts will undergo general anesthetic.
The first step is preparing the bone grafting material. Your dentist will need to harvest it or prep it for the procedure. Then, the dentist will make a small incision in your gum tissue and separate it from the bone. Once the bone is exposed, your dentist will add the grafting material to the area.
Your dentist might use the following to help speed up and improve bone regeneration.
Gum and tissue regeneration: your dentist places a thin barrier below your gums and over the grafted material. This barrier helps reserve space for the new healthy bone tissue to grow and provides some separation from your gum tissue to allow for the growing bone.
Tissue stimulating proteins: during natural tooth development, your body produces enamel matrix protein. Your dentist might use Emdogain proteins on the grafted area to stimulate natural protein development.
Platelet-rich liquid: to help the wound close up, your dentist might apply a platelet-rich liquid to help your blood clot in that area. This process also stimulates bone growth allowing your body to generate dense, healthy bone in a shorter time.
To complete your treatment, the dentist will suture your gums back in place. You’ll return to our office about 10 days later for a follow-up appointment.
You should not shy away from bone grafting as it is a very successful way to restore jawbone. Call our office with any questions you have about the procedure.
"I have been a patient of Pascack Dental Arts for ten years. Having not just routine care but caps and four implants for which I am today happy, being able to eliminate the need of a denture. My experience with Pascack Dental Arts has been excellent!"
Robert Von Bargen
"Anyone who hates the Dentist should come here! Everyone is professional and excellent... Love, love, love them. NO PAIN!! I am a very difficult patient!!"
Heather Cozine
"I was indeed satisfied and delighted with my experience... I learned things I never knew in 50 years of having teeth! Thank you!"
Nancy Mapes
"A little over three years ago, my older daughter Carolyn, had a bicycle accident. One of her permanent front teeth was actually knocked out. We called the office and they told us to come in immediately. It was about 6 p.m. Everyone was concerned and helpful. Dr.Guller reinserted her tooth. Needless to say, we were very frequent visitors to this office. Everyone knew us and always asked how Carolyn was doing. With everyone’s long-term help, Carolyn’s teeth look great!
Our entire family comes to Pascack Dental Arts. It’s a great place for complete dental care."
Barbara Maskin
“Great visit! My hygienist was fantastic, very thorough and friendly. I look forward to my next visit.”
Tina Guarriello

"I have been a patient of Pascack Dental Arts for ten years. Having not just routine care but caps and four implants for which I am today happy, being able to eliminate the need of a denture. My experience with Pascack Dental Arts has been excellent!"
Robert Von Bargen
"Anyone who hates the Dentist should come here! Everyone is professional and excellent... Love, love, love them. NO PAIN!! I am a very difficult patient!!"
Heather Cozine
"I was indeed satisfied and delighted with my experience... I learned things I never knew in 50 years of having teeth! Thank you!"
Nancy Mapes
"A little over three years ago, my older daughter Carolyn, had a bicycle accident. One of her permanent front teeth was actually knocked out. We called the office and they told us to come in immediately. It was about 6 p.m. Everyone was concerned and helpful. Dr.Guller reinserted her tooth. Needless to say, we were very frequent visitors to this office. Everyone knew us and always asked how Carolyn was doing. With everyone’s long-term help, Carolyn’s teeth look great!
Our entire family comes to Pascack Dental Arts. It’s a great place for complete dental care."
Barbara Maskin
“Great visit! My hygienist was fantastic, very thorough and friendly. I look forward to my next visit.”
Tina Guarriello