Question: I was told I need an implant, but I am not sure how long it will last. How long should it last?
Answer: There is no simple answer to your question because the answer depends on many factors. In general, for healthy individuals in well-planned and carefully executed cases, an implant or implants can and should last for many years. The factors which affect longevity include bone volume, gums’ health, the implant’s position and size, the strength
of the bite, and the quality and type of restoration on the implant. Non-smokers and people with normal blood sugar should also maintain implant heath better than smokers and people with uncontrolled diabetes. It is important for the treating dentist to evaluate all risk factors prior to the start of treatment. Some risk factors can be improved, and some cannot. Often decreasing the risk factors, which can be controlled prior to planning an implant, may have some associated cost or time factors but can make the difference between long-term success or potential treatment failure. Eliminating as many risk factors as possible and evaluating all aspects of the patient and the case will also limit complications and enable the final result to feel, function, and look natural.
Discuss your individual case with your dentist to determine if you are a good candidate for implant treatment.
For questions about this or other dental information, contact Dr. Guller at or call 201-391-5565.
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