Question: I am in my early 60s, and I notice that my teeth look shorter and more worn down than I remember them from years ago. Is there an easy solution?
Answer: Dentists often make bite guards for people with grinding symptoms and worn teeth, but if the teeth are very worn and back teeth are missing, you may have a collapsed bite. In this case, the chin starts getting closer to the nose, and the lips droop over the teeth. The treatment for this type of problem involves opening the bite by creating a series of crowns or appliances which are taller than the worn teeth. This treatment, when done properly, can take years off the appearance of the face. This is an instance where treatment is beneficial functionally and esthetically because, over time, a collapsed bite can also cause problems with the jaw joints and muscles. Some individuals can adapt to the changes over time, while others will ultimately display symptoms that can be painful and debilitating if left untreated.
For questions about this or other dental information, call our office at 201-391-5565 or request an appointment.
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