Question: What can be done to get rid of or cover the black line I have at the gum line of my crown?
Answer: I would assume that the crown you are speaking about is an older crown and it is probably what we call porcelain fused to metal crowns. Over time, this type of crown which is still a reliable and esthetic restoration may start to show its age if the gums receded or are worn away with aggressive brushing, especially with a hard brush. Crowns of this type also tend to show more grey if the metal they are composed of is a non-precious or base metal as opposed to a metal with a higher gold content. Think of women’s costume jewelry as opposed to the good stuff. Now for the solutions: 1) Replace the crown with an all-ceramic type crown which should not show this type of problem in the future. 2) Replace the crown with a new crown of the same type which may be preferable in some cases to an all-ceramic for a variety of reasons. 3) Attempt to cover the grey with some other restorative material or a gum procedure. This solution rarely works well but may be tried in instances when there is no other choice. 4) Leave it alone and live with it if there is no decay, no gap or opening between the tooth and the crown, or if the area is decay-free and not visible to others.
This is a fairly common problem, but the solution may take on different forms and the final decision will be between you and your dentist.
For questions about this or other dental information contact Dr. Guller at or call 201-391-5565.
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